Smart user data: How can we build rather than erode trust?
Anna MieczakowskiSession
D1. Workshop: Smart user data and trustDate and Time
2014-06-17, 13:45 - 15:25Room
MA 8Abstract
Every avenue of technology that demands personal data – from mobile phones to intelligent environments of connected things – begins a process of trust.
Trust is built, not given. It is part of an exchange, where people expect great benefits in return. But even once established, trust can be so fragile that with a single act it can easily dissolve. So how can we better understand trust? How can we build trust? How can we sustain trust?
This workshop will take an interactive and inter-disciplinary approach to unpack what trust is, through the lens of key areas where digital innovation and social need intersect: health, education, mobile technology and space. Participants will explore the mechanisms through which trust can be built, sustained, and rebuilt; they will create new understandings of trust based on socio-cultural and psychological insight, and collaborate to harness insight to make better decisions, products or services that will foster relationships founded on trust and ultimately improve people’s lives.
Join the conversation now on Twitter @eclipse_london #digitaltrust