Instructions to authors

Submission formats

  1. Long papers (maximum 10 pages)
  2. Short papers (maximum 2 pages)
  3. Design cases (maximum 10 pages)
  4. Demonstrations/exhibits (maximum 2 pages)

The long and short paper submissions should be written scientifically and suitably referenced to enable the audience to understand the contribution of the work. These submissions should be written using the format templates that are provided below. The long and short papers will be subject to peer review.

Design cases is a more flexible format intended for the description of practical design examples. The description should focus on the work done and/or resulting design solution and can be written without references (unless these are felt to be needed for a better understanding of the work). Design cases can be anything from a single page up to a maximum of ten pages. Authors are free to use their own format/layout for design cases.

Demonstration submissions should briefly (up to two pages) describe the demo/exhibit that the persons attending UD2014 will experience. Authors are free to use their own format/layout for demonstration submissions.

Document templates with instructions

Click the below links to download document templates with instructions for Word and LaTex.

Word – Document templates with instructions (.zip, 172 KB)
LaTex – Document templates with instructions (.zip, 131 KB)


All conference submissions should be uploaded via the UD2014 EasyChair website:

If you need instructions for how to register your submission via EasyChair, download the below PDF file.

UD2014 EasyChair Instructions (.pdf, 225 KB)

Document accessibility

All authors are responsible for the accessibility of their papers. As the conference has an explicit focus on Universal Design, all publications should be made accessible. IOS press, with which we will publish the proceedings, will publish the papers as they are.

To make an accessible pdf, you will in general need to adhere to the following:

  • Use the provided template, and make sure you mark headings and text appropriately. A heading needs to be marked as a heading, and not just have a different font.
  • Make sure you put alternate texts to images.
  • Mark table headers.
  • Generate a tagged pdf.
  • Verify the default language of the pdf.
  • Set the tab order of the pdf.

To do this in practice, there are a number of guides to follow, and documents to read more in. Here is a collection: