Instructions to presenters*

Oral Presentations

Design of presentation slides

All slides in the presentation must be easy to read and understand and a good layout helps to do that. We recommend:

  • Minimum font size is 32 point for headings
  • Minimum font size is 28 point for text
  • Use fonts without serifs (e.g. Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, and Calibri)
  • Avoid thin line fonts
  • Avoid capital letters, italics and underlined text
  • Write short sentences
  • Use bullet points, a maximum of five points per slide
  • Ensure sufficient contrast between text and background
  • Do not write text on a patterned background, on top of photos, illustrations or graphics
  • Graphical elements, images and diagrams must at least cover half the slide
  • Create presentations that have good readability even when printed
  • Select effects and slide transitions with caution

Oral presentation

All sessions will be text interpreted, which means that your oral presentation will be followed by a professional speech-to-text interpreter and the text displayed to the audience. Therefore, we request that you send in the slides in advance by uploading them to the Easychair submission system by June 1st. Additionally, to make your oral presentation as accessible as possible, please consider the following:

  • Keep your face turned toward the audience
  • Speak clearly and not too fast. This is especially important when using a text interpreter
  • Always use the microphone, due to use of induction loops
  • Read ALL text in your presentation and describe the pictures, charts and graphical elements that convey information
  • Describe what you’re pointing at. Avoid words like “here” and “there”, “like” and “so” without describing in detail what it is about
  • Videos should be subtitled and visually interpreted. If you do visual interpretation “on-the-fly” during the presentation, plan your interpretation so it does not interfere with the video sound, or make a short description before you start the video
  • Repeat questions asked by the audience if they are not very clearly spoken into a microphone and not possible to misunderstand

For more information, please see Web Accessibility Initiative’s guidelines for accessible presentations

Poster presentations

Preliminary: The poster size is A1: 594 mm in width × 841 mm in height

Font size

  • Headings: Minimum 72 point, maximum 158 point
  • Section title: Minimum 46, maximum 56
  • Text: Minimum 24, maximum 36

Font type

  • Use fonts without serifs (e.g. Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, and Calibri).
  • Avoid capital letters, italics and underlined text

Spacing and size

  • Use sufficient space. Do not overcrowd the poster
  • Line-spacing should be set to between 1.2 and 2.0 to allow the reader greater ease to move from line to line.
  • If possible, increase the space between the characters (e.g. to 125%)
  • Use maximum 100 words per text block

Images, colors and graphics

  • Use caption for images.
  • Do not write text on a patterned background, on top of photos, illustrations or graphics
  • Ensure sufficient resolution when printed (minimum 300dpi)


  • Ensure sufficient contrast between text and background. For posters many people prefer dark background and white letters
  • Use matt paper for your posters. Glazed paper will reflect the light and reduce the readability.
  • A small folder in Braille and one in large print with the main content of your paper are highly recommended, as a hand-out

For further information, please see the Guidelines for Creating Accessible Printed Posters by Gilson & Kitchin, 2007

* With special thanks to the organizers of the previous conference UD 2012 for the original checklist, which is revised here.