Trends in Universal Design


The Delta Centre


A1. Workshop: Trends in Universal Design

Date and Time

2014-06-16, 13:45 - 15:25


MA 8
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How is universal design evolving? Join The Delta Centre’s workshop and discuss!

Background: After having hosted UD2012 in Norway The Delta Centre had a large material from lectures, workshops, roundtables etc. And we asked ourselves: Where is Universal design evolving seen through the lenses of the conference in 2012? Are there any trends to spot? Is the broad participation worldwide pointing in any directions?

Three main trends were identified and presented in the publication “Trends in Universal Design”.

  • from regulation to innovation
  • from accessibility to inclusion
  • from barriers to sustainability

Now we want to discuss these findings with you! Are the trends relevant for your work? Are they real or just wishful thinking? Are the contributions in UD2014 showing other trends or tendencies? Come join us and discuss the trends together with some of the authors of the publication and keynote speakers at UD2014! The publication is available at Hard copies are available on the workshop.